Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Backed into a corner

This is the battle report for the first official wargame to take place with the EC Wargamers.

First Battle:
-Israel: Andrew (the Israelire army in pictured above)
-Phillistia: Scott
-The Israelites are moving through a valley to protect a village from Phillistines known to be in the area.

The Phillistines gained initiative early on and moved along one of the valley's ridge walls. Four squadrons of chariots assaulted King David, his Royal Guard, and his banner. At the loss of no chariots, David and his Royal Guards were all killed with only the banner surviving.
At this point, momentum changed and the Israelite archers in a series of three turns destroyed all Phillistine chariots, killed Goliath, and all of his brothers. Levy militia was able to hold the flank against regular Phillistine infantry and light infantry.
Israel took the offensive at this point. Heavy infantry with archer support, pushed the Phillistine main body back into a corner and proceeded to cut them to pieces. At this point the game was over as only a few Phillistine light infantry remained free to move and fight.

Conclusion: Andrew played this just as he should have and the dice were with him. I really didn't have a chance once the dice turned. It wasn't just bad luck. Andrew let me over step my bounds and I lost a bunch of chariots as a result.